I attended Walker Stalker Con on Saturday, want to know if I had a spectacular time?
Thanks to FloridaGeekScene.com, I had an opportunity to attend Walker Stalker Con in Orlando, FL!
For those of you who live in a box under the ocean, Walker Stalker Con is a convention based on The Walking Dead. There are other actors/actresses from other horror related TV series or horror films. The convention took place June 27th - June 28th, 2015. It's a wonderful opportunity for fans to meet their favorite actors/actresses. Walker Stalker Con travels to eight different cities: San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, Orlando, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta and New York/New Jersey.
Now...on to ME! On Saturday, June 27th, 2015, I arrived at The Orange County Convention Center. The doors were about 9:00am for VIP members and 10:30 for general admission so I arrived around 11:15am to make my oh-so-dramatic entrance. *HA!* Not really, I was just stuck in traffic! It was a great place to spend a day or your weekend. The volunteers and security were all helpful and seemed like they wanted to be there regardless of the crowd. All the celebrities/artist I were able to meet were amazing and beyond thankful to have this opportunity!
For the first two hours I explored the vendors and took photos of all the awesome zombie-fied, gore-a-licious people I came across. I was surrounded not only by Walking Dead fanatics but zombie crazed fans. I felt right at home! As far as the vendors go, there were so many awesome artist that were there, it was amazing! Some of the artist loved horror/sci-fi while others put their own spin into action. I thought there would have been a bit more vendors however there were still plenty of merchandise to choose from. Rather if you're an art fan wanting a classic memorabilia or a t-shirt freak, you'd be able to find it there. Even though this convention only took place for two days, there were plenty of things to see and participate in. There were events, concerts, panels and even experiences for true zombie fans! I even ran into the awesome, horror cult icon Mike Christopher! Although he was dressed non-zombie, I recognized him! He even kissed my hand! Woot!
One of my favorite events I came across was the Apocalypse Global. It's an event where you could finally experience the zombie apocalypse! This is super exciting because REALLY I want certain people to shut up about how they're "SO ready for the zombie apocalypse!". Um, sure you are! We all already know they would most likely get their brains ripped out within like 15 minutes, so zip it. While experiencing the Apocalypse Global, the player will go through a labyrinth where he/she must beware of every corner, sound, shadow in order to survive. If you're a fan of hands on experiences, this is definitely for you! You even get to use a tactical laser M4’s to defend yourself against zombies!
Overall, I had an amazing time at the Walker Stalker Con Orlando! This convention felt like it was about the fans and for me, that was the most important thing. There really isn't anything negative I have to say other than like many conventions you pay your admission ticket and it doesn't stop there. There was a price for 90% of things which is definitely understandable. And of course, the lines were long however everyone was there for the same reason so it was bound to happen. Don't be angry about it, enjoy the experience! Why not strike up a conversations with people who love what you love since you're waiting? Guarantee you'd meet plenty of awesome people!
I recommend Walker Stalker Con to all but mainly for The Walking Dead fans. Don't get me wrong, there were other actors/actresses from different horror TV series/films, however, it seemed a bit more Walking Dead oriented, which is totally fine! I mean, the convention is called Walker Stalker Con after all!
Enjoy the photos below!

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