Want to know the horror ingredients that will definitely get you murdered?
It's P.U.P. and it is no joke! What is P.U.P.? Partying, underage drinking and pre-marital sex with a hint of drugs.

As a fan of foreign horror films I was very excited to check out Los Inocentes also known as Bloody April Fools. There are unique death scenes that involve fire, insects, spikes through eyeballs and more, each more gruesome than the last! One of my favorite death scenes involve a crushed skull and a brain massage. I never seen anything like that in my life. To avoid spoilers, I'll leave it that! The characters were typical, however it still worked with the film. My two favorite characters are Alex and Eva. Alex has a major crush on Eva which is really cute but it doesn't get in the way of the film. Don't you hate when that happens in horror films? A couple random wants to start sucking on eacho others faces instead running. It's clear that the writers and directors of the film are definitely on team horror! Woo-hoo!

This film does not shy away from the gore. If you're not huge on a gore, you may want to either man up and watch it anyway or miss out in life by covering your eyes. Los Inocentes is a modern slasher that accomplishes the feel of slashers from the golden age. This film is predictable minus the ending, however that is a key formula with slasher films!
Overall, I recommend Los Inocentes. There's plenty of gore, original kills and awesome acting. I watched it with subtitles since it's in Spanish. It didn't take away from the film! This film is now streaming on Netflix. What makes this film even more awesomER is that it was written and directed by 12 graduate students of ESCAC, check it out!

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