This film is definitely not for everyone, especially not the ones who are easily offended!
Have you ever watched a slasher and found that you're extremely bored because 15 minutes into the film you already know who the killer is? Yeah, well that happened to me, but NOT with Sean Donohue's gory slasher Death-Scort Service!
The mysterious killer manages to reel in the victims by posing as client looking for a good time and willing to pay the ladies financially. Unfortunately for the ladies, they walk right into the cryptic killers ambush and are murdered in cruel ways. After the unidentified murderer massacres, the murderer takes a memento. When Michelle realizes all of her friends are m.i.a.; she, along with her friend Gwen, try to uncover who the killer is. Of course, the killer isn't going down without a fight. He is ready to capture his next two victims. Will Michelle and Gwen make it out alive? Or will the merciless murderer's appetite for slaughter be satisfied?

As you can see the synopsis is simple. Someone is brutally murdering prostitutes in Las Vegas. Death-Scort Service isn't specifically deep on plot, and honestly, it's not necessary. This film delivers so much in 79 minutes than most slashers. There's plenty of blood, gore and pure entertainment. The kills are extremely bloody and violent. One of the worst and most detailed is one of the victims gets a barbed wire bat shoved up her genitalia. That death scene really made me cringe, but I couldn't help continue watching. In spite of not fully knowing what I would get from this, I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed this film for a number of reasons, but I'll stick with my top three. One, the grittiness of the film fit perfectly and even reminded me of a giallo. Two, the gore throughout the movie was done well. Third, the reveal of the killer is an unexpected twist! While watching the movie, I tried guessing who the killer was but was wrong every time.
Interested in watching Death-Scort Service? You can buy your own copy here.
Check out other GatorBlade Films here.

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