Thursday, November 14, 2013

UPCOMING HORROR -- 'Annabelle' Doll to Get Her Own Spin-Off Film

If you haven't heard already, it looks like the creepy doll from this summer's horror hit, "The Conjuring" will be getting a film of her own! Woo-hoo! The scariest part about this story is that it's based off a real story! Yes, GUYS! There is a real, creepy Annabelle doll!

Various entertainment sites are spewing the info out to everyone on this awesome news! The spin-off is coming from New Line and Warner Bros. with the director of photography for "The Conjuring", John R. Leonetti, directing it. Filming will begin Spring 2014.

There are anonymous sources saying a script already exists that was written with Lorraine Warren.

When I first heard this news, I felt like screaming and slapping the nearest the person to me. Fortunately for others, I wasn't around anyone when I found out this news, so I just screamed!

 Is anyone else excited about this? 


  1. I hate to burst your bubble, I imagine that Lorraine Warren has detailed writings about the paranormal activity associated with that doll... but, she's no script writer. I imagine if there is a script, it is merely based off of her writings...

    Lorraine Warren is an amazing and talented woman, but she is NOT a playwright.

    1. Well, she helped with the writing, like giving the details! :)

  2. My bearer of good news! I can't wait to see that!
